I always start the year off as doing these with the whole group, to show my students my expectations. I love the idea keeping these student work sheets bound together so my kiddos can keep track of their ideas and stories, as well as building their language and math skills. The daily journals are a great way for students to build their writing stamina, as well as share a bit about themselves a little at a time. Students love to talk about themselves, and we love to listen to what we they to say. These journal topics are also great to be used through out the day as ways to help build socializing skills for our students. The prompts include narrative, opinion, and informational topics. This is a great way for student to practice different types of writing. The daily math includes strategies such as addition, subtraction, counting money, telling time, and much more! The Daily math changes daily as a means to practice different skills and strategies.
#Morning work pre k free#
Such as at group bathroom breaks, waiting for the specials teachers, or really anytime we have that free minute or two.Īn extra opportunity to build in that grammar component! I like to use this strategy when we are in the “in between” moments. I might pick 1-3 questions to use throughout the day for them to stop and practice out Turn & Talk (blog to come). I also plan on using these questions in my morning meeting and throughout the day. The questions help the students get into the mind set of answering questions through writing. These daily questions are great conversation starters and thinking stems. Remember, it is all about helping our students grow. This was designed to keep the grammar in the students minds, and not just during “grammar time.” If you are working on a grammar skill that week and feel that your students need a little more practice, feel free to swap in what skill you need. a little healthy competition never hurt anyone.

This is a great opportunity for students to challenge themselves, not only during morning meeting, but also throughout the day. I plan on continuing the Social Problem of the Day in my morning meeting to help facilitate student discussions on their reactions to behaviors in social situations. We tend to get so focused on our lesson plans that sometimes we forget to teach our student “how” to behave and react to each other. This is a great way to build social skills with our students. Each category has a different topic or skill each day. There are seven different categories that help build student social skills, language arts skills, and math skills. (Pictures to come.) This way the work can be all in one place and I don’t have to run and make extra copies of the student sheets. I plan on (when I’m able to get back to school) on printing the student pages out and binding them to make notebooks. To help save paper, just print the pages back-to-back. The resource also comes with two student pages so the students have somewhere to share their thinking. I want my students to be able to take responsibility for the routines in the classroom so I plan on having one of my student jobs being to get the Daily Morning Work ready the DAY BEFORE, so we are all set to go the next morning.

I plan on displaying the daily morning work using my document camera and projector for the whole class to work on when they come in in the morning. I keeping mine in a 3-ring binder with a post-it (or something similar) to hold the current page. All you have to do is make one copy of each daily page and place them in a binder to display for the students. There is a new page for each day of the year to help build routine and structure. This is an AMAZING resource, that is easy to use and aligned with the Common Core (hello easy lesson planning!). One of the things that is going to majorly help me this year is the Daily Morning Work Bundle for Second Grade. I just want to get back into my classroom to start preparing! Is that too much to ask?! I have been working really hard over the summer to get ready for that big day. I can’t believe it is that time of the year already! Where did the summer go? That being said- I am super excited to start the new school year and to meet my new kiddos! I feel like a kid again.